Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve
Monday, December 7, 2009
Our Christmas Tree
Jonathan and I decorated for Christmas the week of Thanksgiving! I am so excited and everything turned out beautiful. I will have more pictures to come, but here are two to start you off :)
Monday, November 30, 2009
The Crappy Crud
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thanksgiving Week
I am thankful for:
- My salvation in Jesus Christ
- My amazing husband (who puts up with way more than any man should)
- My amazing family (both blood and in-law are amazing)
- My wonderful friends (especially those who have stuck around for years)
- Getting to spend time with friends and family this week
- My sweet new little cousin Reagan born last Thursday
- Me and my husbands wonderful stable jobs (or atleast they are stable for now)
- Having the week off.
- Being freed of almost all my responsibilities until February (Gifted Endorsement class and soccer)
- And of course a million other things
- And the things that God has planned for us that are still to come!
I have gotten to catch up on sleep, cleaning the house, spending quality time with Jonathan, decorating the house for Christmas, and spending time with family this week. Yesterday was pretty busy going from one family to the next so I did not get any pictures, but believe me I'm sure most everyone reading my blog was doing the same as I was....eating lots of yummy food, so I'll leave that one up to everyone's imagination ;)
My love-hate relationship with Black Friday: I love to shop and get AWESOME deals, I REALLY HATE long lines that have rude, pushy, greedy people in them.
Today I got up with my sister and mother-in law and we headed into the mall around 7am, stopped and got doughtnuts on the way in and began our day of shopping. For all you avid black friday shoppers we think we have figured out the best time to go....about 7:30ish you have missed that early morning rush but you still get the great deals. We hit up Khols first saving a total of $350.00 between the three of us. They had fleece blanket for 3.99, great inexpensive gift you can buy and then have monogrammed. We do $10.00 limit gifts with Jonathan's family, so we got awesome deals on the blankets and a metal thermos also $3.99. After Kohls we headed to target for their movie deals. They usually have great movies on black friday for $3.99, $5.99, or $8.99 but unfortunately by the time we had gotten to target there was not a great selection left....but I don't think they had as great of a selection this year as they did last year. After that we headed over to Merle Norman for some Vera Bradley....they had a great deal, where you purchase $100.oo of Vera Bradley and get a free purse. The purse is a $48.00 value and it is gorgeous, which we will be giving to a family members name that we drew for Christmas. One of Jonathan's gifts to me this Christmas is a Vera Bradley duffle bag, so we went ahead and purchased it with 2 other gifts for family and then got the free purse so that was a pretty good deal seeing I had to add a $5.00 gift to reach the $100.00 limit. Then off to the mall where there were a whole lota people. We stopped in New York and Co where they are having EVERYTHING in the store 50% off...but here is the disclaimer if you are an avid NY&Co shopper like myself you would know this is really NOT a great sale for them. They turn over their cloting in sales constantly, so for example a week ago I went in bought a shirt for $10, it was 70% off plus another 15% because I am a teacher. Today because of their 50% off on everything this same shirt originally $36.00 was only 50%. For some reason they have been doing that lately, putting things on and off of sale, but usually their clothing goes on sale pretty quickly and they are pretty reasonably price when they have their sales. I did not buy anything there today, because I know their sales will be better when it is not Black Friday. After that I needed 2 pairs of fuzzy socks from Old Navy originally $5, on sale today for $2.50!!! So I did not break the bank to bad and came home with some pretty good gifts. I'd love to hear some of the great deals you came across today...leave a post if you'd like:)
Monday, November 23, 2009
Wildlife Photography
This was my attempt at wildlife photography. Jonathan and I were up getting ready for breakfast last weekend and we realized we had a little visitor right outside our bedroom window, well actually we heard him rustling in the leaves before we pulled the curtains back. I actually saw him again this morning running around our back yard. Hopefully he is not causing any damage to our home and just looking cute. He lives right behind our retaining wall. He kept popping his little head up to see what we were doing and I just had to get a picture. It's a little blurry due to operator error, but will do.
Sugar and Spice.....
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Mackenzie Update
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Please Pray For Mackenzie
My friend Jamie's 1 1/2 month old daughter was rushed to the emergency room about 2 weeks ago and admitted to Scottish Rite for what has now been diagnosed as whooping cough. I believe there are a few other complications, but as of yesterday the doctors have not been speaking positively of the situation and are saying it will be a miracle that she makes it through. She is on life support currently.
My Newest Craft
So I got a great idea about ornaments from my friend Katie. She bought her daughter a cute little pink tree for her room and is painting the fruits of the spirit on ornaments. I liked the idea about the fruits of the spirit on ornaments and ran with it. I will be putting these on our tree this year...and also giving them out as gifts to our guests that join us at supper club. Except at supper club I will put our friends last names and 2009 on the ornaments and probably use them as place settings. I am also making them as gifts for my teachers in the science dept. at school.
Best Trunk
For Holloween I joined my mother-in-law who made the most awesome costumes for trunk or treat at FBC D'ville. We all dressed as scarecrows and every one loved it. She even won best trunk and a gift certificate to Cracker Barrel... one of her favorites. She is SO creative and has taught me a lot in the creative department!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I can rest
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
My Husband is Practicing
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Time Just Keeps Flying
Friday, September 25, 2009
In the wee hours
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Crummy Day/No wait make that a Happy Day.....
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Rehearsal Dinner
Christine's Bridal Luncheon
Project Boy Gift
Guest Bathroom Makeover
Precious Little Babies
My sweet friend Katie's precious little princess Molly Kate arrived. We just love her sweet little self. She is such a blessing to her family and we are so thankful God blessed our friend Chad and Katie with little miss priss. I hope that Jonathan and I can be half as great and Godly parents that Katie and Chad are and we are so thankful that they set such a great example for others to learn from. Enjoy the sweet sweet pictures.