Christine had her wedding at the Montaluche Vinyard in Dahlonega Ga. BEAUTIFUL! Here are pictures from the rehearsal dinner also at the Vinyard. Every thing went well except the pastor mixed his nights up and missed the rehearsal, so we practiced on our own. We were fine and the pastor is a pro...he married Bubbs and Shannon so he knew what he was doing.
Quentin and Shannon.
No one plays around in this family...always so serious.
Quentin, me and my sweet daddy.
There won't be any hostility in this marriage;) They were going to practice their cake feeding to each other. This is what resulted.
My mom's cousin Corrine and her husband Sal. They drove up from Florida and have made it to all three of our weddings.
Mom and Shannon, Bubbs wife.
Emma, Noah's neice, was the flower girl. She did an awesome job.
The two love birds.
I love that coral dress in the post below this one. So pretty on you.