Coming Home Outfit
I wanted to bring Emersyn home in something sweet and feminin, but something that fit her too. It's vain, but I can't stand when a babies clothes hang off them. So I found this little number at Dillards on clearance for $12. I also found the booties there, but not on clearance :( but they were not very expensive. The beautiful monogramed bracelet came from Katie and she will wear it home too!

Build A Bear
Introducing Kitty Bear! Jonathan and I were given a gift card to make Emersyn a "Build A Bear" from my sweet U9 Academy Soccer girls. They gave us a recording device, hearts with all the girls names and soccer #'s, her outfit and the gift card to pick the actual bear. So we went last weekend and made Kitty Bear for Emersyn. We recorded a cute saying from both me and Jonathan, "Mommy and Daddy Love You"! It was kinda cheesy but at least it was done with love :) Then comes the part where you have to pick a name. You should have heard our went something like this:
Jonathan: Lets name her fluffy.
Me: No that's like a dogs name. How about naming her Lola.
Me: No that's like a dogs name. How about naming her Lola.
Jonathan: Are you out of your mind, that won't work.
Me and Jonathan: uuummmmmm.
Then we decided we would call her Kitty like Boo from Monsters Inc. called Sully. We added Bear so that she does not completely get her animals mixed up :) LOL!

Nursing Cover
I decided to get crafty rather than spend a ton of $$$ purchasing a nursing cover. I thought just how bad could it be. I did however consider buying a pattern from Etsy for $6 but again decided that sewing a square was not worth $6 to have someone else say here is how you sew a square. So I bought this fabric a while back ago and new I wanted to use it for something...a nursing cover. It was quite simple to sew and I kinda like it a little more than what I have seen in stores. So whala, a cute cover that I plan to make a burp cloth to go along with )
I LOVE the nursing cover.