Friday, July 30, 2010

Some more sleepless nights and my last appointment

So a good nights rest at 37 weeks is definitely hit or miss. Here it is at 7 am and I can't sleep due to all the discomfort (sore and achy hips, REALLY swollen fingers that I can't even ball into a fist and get numb depending on what side I am sleeping on, and of course having to be conscious just to roll from one side to the other). I am usually up every 2 hours (sometimes every hour and a half) either rolling over or mostly going to the bathroom due to the contraction that rolling over induces. Nothing less fun that having a contraction with a full bladder. So when there is nothing comfortable or appealing about laying in the bed any longer I just have to get up and so here I am :)

I had an appointment with Dr. Galloway this week on Tuesday at 36 1/2 weeks and it was extremely uneventful. I thought I may at least have come out with some knowledge about whether I might be dilated (even just a tiny bit). But all we did was the routine bacterial swab to make sure I don't have an abundance of the bacteria that could pose harm in the baby that occurs in 1 in 5 pregnant women. No one has called me so I assume all was well. He measured my belly, took my blood pressure and we listened to her heartbeat. Being as swollen as I am his nurse said she thought he may not let me go back to work...but of course I was not that lucky. But he did say if I did not feel like I was up to it then he could write me out for 4 weeks and I reluctantly declined. Main reason being I want all the time I can spend with her and don't want to waist time off sitting around the house twiddling my thumbs. Besides if I really needed to I could sit in a chair most of the day at school since I do have a collaborative teacher. So there are ways I could cope while still working although I think it is going to be pretty difficult as far as me being tired etc. I did tell Jonathan if it was to much I would call Dr. Galloway to get that "pass out of class". I don't want to be so stinking exhausted the week(s) leading up to her arrival that my head does nothing but spin, because I know I'll be tired when she arrives.

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