Friday, April 24, 2009

Funny Story

This is probably going to be one of those "you had to be there moments" but I have to share. Ok so late last night I went from our bedroom across the house to get some toilet paper from our other bathroom. I have to pass through our living room to do so. I decided that I did not need the light on because there was plenty of natural moon light to see the can see where this is heading. So I make it almost to the other halway and...BANG. I run straight into the corner of the wall. So catching me by surprise I of course start crying. I walk into the restroom grab what I need and by the time I make it back to our bedroom I see Jonathan and start half crying half laughing. He has this look on his face like what in the world did you do. My lip (point of contact with the wall) has started swelling by this time and I have a huge welp. So we go back into the bedroom and (if you have not seen it yet you will laugh next time you do because of this post) that commercial is on where this guy is walking and out of no where he runs into a street sign with his face. Right before that happened in the commercial Jonathan goes..."hey babe it's you." We died laughing. But let me tell you at first it hurt! Anyway we laughed and thought we'd share so maybe you can laugh at our...or should I say my expense :)

1 comment:

  1. Almost as good as me walking into the bedroom door in the middle of the night. Long time ago but really funny. Danny and I still laugh about that! (Who closes the bedroom door in the middle of the night anyway?????)
