Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Today's Doctor Visit

Today I had another 2 week appointment and got to see Dr. Brummit, one of the other doctors in Dr. Galloway's practice. I really liked her and she seemed super duper sweet. Dr. Galloway was out of town and I did not want to throw my appt. off track so I agreed to see one of the other doctors. Anyway her first question was have I been going to the bathroom more frequently and had I noticed anything different. Of course I have to pee alot, I'm 33 weeks pregnant on Thursday. Now is it different from any other time or painful, no. But she proceeded to tell me that they had noticed some suspicious "stuff" in my urine sample and would be sending it off to get a culture. I did tell her I had noticed some mild cramping down low especially when I was having a braxton hicks contraction... then came the slew of questions that sent me in to panic mode considering some other things that are going on in our life currently. Nothing like a good excuse for satan to send worries into your mind when God has everything in perfect control. So she asked "are you bleeding", my response "no". "Are you having pain that does not go away", my response "no", and "is the baby moving", and my response "yes". Then she said, "well you know to call us if you don't feel the baby moving." I am going to chalk all these questions up to routine. But you know I often wonder why when you tell them about certain symptoms, they don't elaborate on what could be causing them. Not once did she explain, well the mild cramping is due to the braxton hicks and all completely normal, or that they could be round ligament pain or the uterus growing. I mean come on, I'm a first time mom and walked out of there today more nervous than I ever have. I did make sure before I left that the urine culture was being done only to indicate a UTI, and nothing more serious than that. I'm not angry at her at all, I really did like her. And I know I have to just make my mind up that all is just fine, it's just a little nerve wracking when you get a slew of questions like that and no explanation to follow as to why they are being asked or why you are experiencing a certain symptom. Of course my instinct is to call back to have my fears calmed, but then I fear that they will just think Im a nutty first time mom. But aside from all that she did check the baby's heartbeat and comment it was strong and that Emersyn was LOW, meaning lower than she would expect at this point meaning she has dropped down a little. This did not surprise me at all since my profile confirms this. I noticed on Saturday that my belly looked quite a bit lower and she confirmed it and that she is still head down. Im sure things can stay this way for weeks past full term, but I still have an inkling she will come a little early...


  1. Hey girlie! I am sure everything is Perfectly fine! They tend to ask those obvious questions/statements!!!

  2. Don't you just hate that. They always try to stress me out too:) So I know I haven't been blogging lately but I'm gonna try and get back into it. But that doesn't mean I haven't been keeping up with yall. I have internet on my phone now so I've been keeping up with everyone else all summer. I'm not sure if you know or not but I am prego!! I'm going to announce it on my blog for all my blog buddies who don't know yet. I'm 14 weeks. And I have been sick as ever the first trimester. So therefore I quit the computer all together for a long time. I'm starting to feel better so I'm trying to get back into it.
