PS. I have to go to Valdosta on Wednesday and wanted you guys to keep safe travel for me, the baby and the soccer team in your prayers! I'm a little nervous, since one of my U9 soccer moms told me to be careful that she almost "lost" hers making a trip to Michigan when she was pregnant! It is only 4 hours down, so we might be stopping every hour just to strech!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Lost in the abyss
Or at least that is how I feel with my insanely busy busy I really need to go now and clean some of the house...but I have lots to catch you up on, I have not forgotten to post the sweet ultrasound pictures we got a couple of weeks ago or the beautiful crib that arrived last Monday! Her letters are being shipped this week and Mrs. Shirly is going to start on her bedding by the end of this week too! So maybe in about two weeks we will almost have her nursery done!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Special Delivery!

We are so excited about the delivery of our crib TOMORROW! It is the second to last piece of furniture for Emersyn's room! I dropped off all the material at the seamstress's house last Wednesday. She had some prom dresses to work on and then she will start our bedding. She is going to do an amazing job! So tomorrow the crib arrives and all I have to put in it is her mattress, but hopefully soon we will have some bedding! I also custom ordered her wall letters that will be in antique white with sanded edges and should arrive in a week or so, I ordered them from a lady on etsy and they were less than half the price for the exact same thing from Dimples and Dandelions (one of my favorite places to get ideas, I say ideas because they are outrageously expensive). Then we have to get her book case which matches her dresser. I am looking for antique white baskets that I am making liners for to put her books and toys in to start with. Pottery Barn delivers and sets up the crib for you which is amazing!!! The final touch will be the molding that Jonathan will get to sometime later in May or June...he is in the middle of a stage redesign at the church (which looks amazing) and so I have not bothered to bother him with it just yet. We also have a friend who is going to come in and do some custom molding/artsy work above the other molding we are putting on the wall!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Spring Break
Spring break was so relaxing it gave me summer fever. But I am not to anxious about starting school back tomorrow, because all we have are 3 weeks till EOCT and then after that 3 weeks until...schools out for summa!!!! I spent the week pretty much relaxing.
Monday we had our utlrasound then we went home and washed our cars.
Tuesday I went up to Cumming to see my sister's new house and it is so adorable!
Wednesday I just relaxed, cleaned the house, and met a friend for lunch.
Thursday had morning soccer practice with my little ones and then went and registered at Target, had lunch with the parents, then worked on some baby presents for a friend.
Friday Jonathan and I just relaxed then met some friends for dinner.
I love having the time off that being a teacher affords me :) Thank goodness for these weeks otherwise America would not have ANY teachers :) Ok maybe there would be some crazies left who would not need the break.
I kinda see things winding down from here which is good and I am so looking forward to the summer!
Monday we had our utlrasound then we went home and washed our cars.
Tuesday I went up to Cumming to see my sister's new house and it is so adorable!
Wednesday I just relaxed, cleaned the house, and met a friend for lunch.
Thursday had morning soccer practice with my little ones and then went and registered at Target, had lunch with the parents, then worked on some baby presents for a friend.
Friday Jonathan and I just relaxed then met some friends for dinner.
I love having the time off that being a teacher affords me :) Thank goodness for these weeks otherwise America would not have ANY teachers :) Ok maybe there would be some crazies left who would not need the break.
I kinda see things winding down from here which is good and I am so looking forward to the summer!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Baby Thumps
I just couldn't feel more blessed about the stage of life Jonathan and I are experiencing right now. We are having lots of fun waiting for the sweet arrival of our little one. Just wanted to share what life at 21 wks is like:
- Belly is just a growing and people finally recognize me as being pregnant!
- Still feeling all her little kicks and punchs
- Felt her nudges on the outside a couple times
- Daddy has still not gotten to feel her kick
- Saw my belly move when she kicked for the first time last night! So crazy.
- Could not LOVE pregnancy more! I really mean that. I could write a whole post on how beautiful it is. Now you see I said PREGNANCY, we have yet to get to a delivery...
- Feet have started to swell with the heat
- Still have lovely indigestion (I know it only get's worse) but gosh that hair is going to be beautiful ;) She has SO many sweet bows to put in her hair already!
- Belly itches A LOT!
- Sleep...oh you mean I'm supposed to be getting sleep??? lol Sleep is hot, and oh so uncomfortable. Still have not found a comfortable position.
- I definitely get tired a lot easier.
I guess that is it for now. Still have to post the pictures from the ultrasound and I want to post some pictures of some recent gifts she has received.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Some things for her room
We had our 20 wk appt today along with our ultrasound and EVERYTHING was perfectly healthy, praise God! I will update with all those details in another post as soon as Jon scans the pictures.
Since Dr. Galloway reconfirmed we indeed are having a sweet little girl, here are some more pictures of things for her room.
Ordered her crib today and CANT wait for it to get here!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
It's Been a While
I feel like I have not even opened up blogger from my home computer in weeks. We or should I say I have been sooo busy and Jonathan has as well to an extent. I thought I might just update bullet style to make things easy:
- Soccer is crazy. 8 games in 5 days...way too much for a pregnant woman. And yes, I had a breakdown in the middle of it all. My poor husband.
- Spring break can't get here fast enough.
- Looking forward to Easter
- Have my 20wk appt Monday 4/5 and ultrasound (the one where the doc looks at all the parts and tells you the gender if you want to know) We know he will be confirming a girl :)
- Emersyn is MOVING like crazy. From tiny little kicks (sometimes aimed at mommy's bladder) to summersaults. Movement is still somewhat infrequent, but I know she is on the move constantly and if I feel it depends on how she is positioned. Most of the time her little kicks are down low. When she twists and turns it feels so strange, like she is pushing on my abdomen and I can feel right where she is.
- Plan on ordering the crib next week.
- Taking the crib bedding to the seamstress on Monday after my appointment.
- Still have some work to do on the nursery (molding on the walls, order crib and bookshelf) but I intend on doing a lot of organizing and cleaning over spring break.
- Back hurts like CRAZY. Love the ligaments that stretch out!
- Found SUPER cute crochet hats at Hobby Lobby for SUPER cheap only 3.99 and I saw one at Kid to Kid consignment for 18.00 once. So you can't get much better than Hobby Lobby.
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