Sunday, March 7, 2010

It's A BOY...

We think! We had a gender determination ultrasound yesterday at Baby's First Images. I really had not put much thought at all into whether or not this baby was going to cooperate and as we walked into the room expected this baby would be proud enough either way to show its momma and daddy "the parts". Well it turns out our little booger was either shy or stubborn. Im going with stubborn since it does run on both sides of the family;) That sweet little foot sat right in the way the entire time. The lady pushed, poked, prodded, turned me on my sides and still all that baby wanted to show us was a side view of a leg and a foot. Guess right now "he's" more proud of those appendages than the other. However, we got some nanosecond glances of what we suspect and the ultrasound tech suspects are "boy parts." I asked her to let me guess once we got a good glimpse (which we never did) and she asked me what I thought from what we were seeing and I told her I thought it was a boy. She agreed. So we are steering towards boy currently. We will get to go back in 2 weeks for free and hopefully they can confirm it. Even though it was disappointing to walk out not knowing 100% either way it was such a miracle to see that precious angel. We got the DVD of the whole session (for free the lady forgot to ring it up and she said don't worry about it). I did everything "right", I drank my doctors recommended amount of water, I even drank some tea before hand to get baby moving...but God evidently wanted a laugh yesterday! We don't mind giving Him a laugh since He chose to bless us with this unbelievable miracle. The baby looked beautiful and was moving up a storm for us, just not his little foot.


  1. Yay, 70% sure Elijah! You are loved so much already!
    Love your Aunt Christine

  2. So excited for you. Although I can't help you with boy world since I have a girl. I'm sure it will be just as much a joy as having a girl.
