Most of you know that we went this past weekend to have an ultrasound at Baby's First Images to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. But we only go a couple glimpses and a verdict that was not 100%...but that it is likely a boy. But if you talk around you will soon learn all sorts of fun stories about people being told the sex of their baby was one, then to find out from a later ultrasound or at birth it was another. That being said I am leaning more towards a boy, even though in the very beginning I was completely sold that it was a girl. Either way we are beyond overjoyed that we have a little one on the way and we are elated with what ever God chose to bless us with. Here are some pics from the weekend.
Me and Jonathan (I think we were both a bit anxious but excited).

Lauren, Mom, Ginny and Gray, Christine and Reagan

Afterwords, a little disappointed we didn't find out for sure. Jonathan, Christine, Me, Mom, Shannon, and Elizabeth and Reagan.

Our sweet baby. You can see in this picture baby is face down. Perfectly shaped head and sweet little back.

Somebody did a summersault during the ultrasound, now baby is face up. You can also see an arm and little toes down in the right hand corner.

Head and body shot.

Just head with its arm up near it's face and if you look at the very top you will see what looks like 4 little dots, those are sweet fingers, wonder if our little angel will be a thumb sucker???