Today Jonathan and I had our first trimester ultrasound of baby E (we call the baby "baby E" because either way his or her name will start with E). Our appt. was at 9:30 and they took us straight back, sat me in the chair, put the gel on and there was baby E. Of course I burst out in giggles at the first sight of our first born. I looked right at Jonathan who had a big grin on his face. The baby was moving tons. Every time I would giggle the baby would stop moving, then I would get it under control and the baby would just start kicking and moving her/his arms. That went back and forth for a few minutes. The baby's size was perfect for the due date they have estimated (Aug 21). We also got to hear the baby's precious heartbeat (music to every mommy's ears). The heartbeat was 176 beats per min (girl maybe?). I told the ultrasound tech that I have not been sick a minute (she said boy maybe?) Anyway, overall we were elated to see our little angel. I told the baby she/he could kick mommy all she wants :) It's so reassuring to get to see the precious gift God is growing inside. Whenever I think about how blessed we are I get so overwhelmed. I am so thankful God chose us to carry one of his children and grow them up in His ways. It amazes me how little this baby started and how big the baby will grow. I spent sometime in prayer today for those still waiting on their blessing. Jonathan and continue praying for a healthy baby who grows to love the Lord and we hope you will pray that along side us as our friends.
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