Wednesday, November 16, 2011
So Out of it

Friday, August 19, 2011
Hello my blogger friends...
Emersyn is going to be 1 next Friday the 26th! I truly cannot believe that a year has flown by this fast. And to think they will only go faster. She is such a big girl with SO much personality.
- She has a descent little vocabulary: duck, kitty, mom or mama, papa (nana Susan's husband), ta da, there it is (this is very much so all smushed into one word, but seriously she is like a sponge), down, daddy, ball, dog.
- She can tell you what a cow says, a duck says, and what a dog says.
- She can point to your nose, eyes, mouth, and feet.
- She loves to dance!!! She gets her whole body into it!!
- She loves eating and she is such a good eater. What a blessing.
- Still nursing at least once a day, sometimes twice. (It absolutely warms my heart while nursing when she stops and looks up at me and says "mamma")
- Sleeps so good at night, naps are usually once a day 1.5 to 2hrs.
- She adores her daddy, and Mrs. Susan! The only way I can coherse her to leave is by telling her we are going to see daddy.
- Loves to climb. She is constantly climbing in and out of her little rocking chair.
- She has such a sweet little heart and loves people.
- Has just recently starting crying when I leave her in the church nursery, but she has some AWESOME teachers and of course her best cousin Reagan in her class.
Anyway I will definitely be updating birthday party pictures :)
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011
9 Months
Here are her 9 month stats:
- 19 lbs (50-75%)
- 27.75 in. (50-75%
- Crawling everywhere.
- Pulling up and standing alone.
- Taking a step every once in a blue moon.
- Babbling all the time.
- Can point to daddy and mommy if asked.
- Will roll the ball back and forth to you.
- Finally started sleeping through the night with occasional nights that she still wakes once.
- Makes a silly face,we have no clue where it came from but it's hilarious!
- Will point to your nose when you ask her to.
- Smiles and laughs all the time.
- Still LOVES books.
- Loves taking a bath.
- Doesn't know a stranger.
- Wakes up in the am in the best mood!
- Takes 2 naps, one for about 2 hours and the other for about an hour.
- Loves her daddy!
- Has 4 teeth, two top front and bottom front.
- Eats mostly table food veggies and fruit.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Check it out!!!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Standing Alone!
Our sweet girl has yet hit another milestone! Its so much fun watching her do all the new things she learns to do. She is all over the place and within the last week has started standing alone for a lengthy period of time. You can see it in her eyes that she knows she would like to go somewhere, but that she is still working out the details on how to do just that. She is such a blast and motherhood has truly turned out to be pure joy!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Fun in the Sun, Already!
Emersyn love taking a bath, so I knew she would love being in the pool so she got a super cute new baby pool, compliments of her Nana (Jonathan's mom). I LOVE that its pink! I also LOVE that her bathing suit is pink, and her bow is pink and even her sippy cup (which she just chews on for now). The past two days we have been swimming! I am so looking forward to TONS more days of fun in the sun! I love summers off and Emersyn will really be at such and enjoyable age this summer!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Life is a Rollercoaster
- Eating some table food and can pick puffs up and feed herself.
- Still eating one to two times at night (any advice on how to get her to sleep ALL through the night would be great. We have tried all the tricks, putting her to bed later, making sure she is taking 6-8 ounces of milk before bed, etc.)
- Saying 2 audible words, clap (she will clap her hands and say clap) and duck.
- Crawls fast.
- Pulls up on everything and cruises.
- Stands without holding on to things.
- "Talks" all the time.
- Still does not care for the carseat, but puts up with it sometimes.
- Usually takes a 2 hour morning nap and a short one in the late afternoon.
- Loves books and will sit and listen to you read them.
- Loves to play and explore.
- Loves to be put down to explore, but still loves to be held.
- Doesn't really meet a stranger. She pretty much will go to whoever.
- Understands the word "no". Most times if you say no, she will look at you and stop what she is doing.
Friday, April 15, 2011
More like mommy

Friday, April 8, 2011
Emersyn's First Word
I have to say there was a time when I would hear people saying their child had starting hitting milestones like walking, crawling and talking super early. For example saying their child had starting walking at 8 months. Most times the thought that they were crazy and didnt know what they were talking about ran through my mind and then I had Emersyn Kate who has done everything on the fast track a bit like her mom and her dad! Anyway this week she had started saying clack clack and I was not sure if she was trying to say clap or quack, but I am pretty sure she is saying clap when she puts her hands together and claps and says clack clack!!!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Plum Organics
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
So many firsts!
- Eating organic baby foods (just about everything). Loves fruit (just like her mommy)! Loves her veggies to, we are still working on peas though!
- Stood up all on her own last week, not holding on to a thing.
- Is really crawling well. Crawled to me tonight and reached up (so precious)!
- Is pulling up on everything she can.
- Cut her first tooth today.
She is changing and growing so much. She is looking more and more like a blend of me and Jonathan. I am having more and more people say she is looking more like her mamma. My mom says she reminds her a lot of me when I was little. She is recognizing when I walk out of the room and when I walk back in. She adores her daddy and loves spending time with him too. She is so much fun and we love her so much!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Ami Martin Photography
Monday, February 21, 2011
Mud Pie Baby Photo Parade

Thursday, February 17, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Happy 5 Months Emersyn Kate

- 16 pounds
- 25 3/4 in long
- Hair is some what coming in and looks dark.
- She is such a happy girl most of the time.
- Knows what she wants and uses her voice to let us know.
- Loves to smile
- Loves playing with anything that makes noise and lights up.
- Sits up well on her own.
- Sleeps ok at night waking once or twice. We know she is capable of sleeping most of hte night though.
- Takes a 3 hour nap most days.
- Eats organic brown rice cereal.