One of our cute Christmas Outfits!!

So I am sure by now I have probably lost any followers who may have read my blog at one point. But I will try and biew this a maybe more of a journal for now. It has literally been one of the most crazy beginnings to a new school year in the 7 years I have been teaching. On top of how crazy school has been, I started a sewing business in May and started tutoring for a little extra $ in early Oct. So needless to say when do I ever have time to get on the computer.
Emersyn is growing so very fast. I look back to where we were a year ago and at this time I would have survived my first week back at school after having had our sweet girl. And now look where we are! She went from crying 24/7, although her Nana Susan swears she never cried... to running around laughing, playing, and talking! Her vocabulary is precious and the list is long and we are so proud of her. She is doing new things everyday! She is constantly giving us something to laugh about. I am learning about how hard it is to discipline and how easy it is to laugh at them. The other night she realized she could use her comfy chair to climb up on the couch, run across the couch to the other end and slide off the couch and then do it all over again. We don't really allow her to stand on the couch, but sometimes her defiance makes me laugh and Im seriously working at getting this under control, but seriously she is a good little girl. So while Im learning not to laugh at everything she does she is learning to behave appropriately.
Since I decided to start sewing to sell, I have learned I truly enjoy sewing for Emersyn and gift giving...NOT to sell. There is so much pressure in doing that, so I have wrapped up my last few orders and I am looking forward to making some cute things for my little one :) I will say, I am taking few orders from close friends and family, but other than that I'm just going to focus on spending time with my family...
Speaking of my biggest struggle has been to take care of my house! Jonathan has been an amazing help, but that does not take my desire away to take care of our home. I am so excited about having this next week so spend with my family and taking care of our home and going to the gym!!!
Well I think that sums most of the past couple months up and hopefully it wont be another 3 months before I can update :)
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