This is will be a treat for my blogging friends at the expense of facebook. It literally took me 5 min to upload all the photos here and an hour to only upload 1 to facebook! Enjoy!

I just love this little face! This was also her first time taking this kind of passy!

I love her face from every angle! Rockin the huge flower!

I could kiss that little face ALL over!

Happy Birthday Aunt Christine!

Grandma has a special touch!

Love my Grandma and Grandaddy!

Not to excited about being sang happy b day to.

But she sucked it up and played along :)

Our sweet Shannon! Missed you bubbs!

Me and the hubby! LOVE HIM!

Love birds!

Still snoozin so mommy could eat!

Are those eyes I see?

Enjoying the rainy day with mommy!

That flash is funny! I think I might smile for it :)

Now for a little nap with my favorite lovie!

Me and Mommy played in my room tonight...

I had so much fun wtih her...

So I thought I would let her know by smiling and laughing!

She and daddy love me so much!
Aweseome pictures!!!