Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Happy 4 Months Emersyn Kate!
Emersyn is 4 months old today!
She is so grown up already! I can't believe how fast time has flown... I know the next 18 years will blow by. She is doing so many new things all the time! Here are her 4 month stats:
- Laughing out loud at things she finds funny. Mostly people talking to her in this silly low voice.
- Rolling over since about a month ago.
- Sitting up unassisted for a couple of seconds. Up to about 30 seconds at most.
- Grabbing everything within her reach.
- Nursing about every 3 hours still except at night. Only gets up once a night to eat, twice on a "bad" night.
- Still taking prevacid for reflux.
- Still spitting up like crazy when I eat dairy products. YOu would think this would aid in weight loss for me, um not really.
- Loves her daddy and smiles a lot at him.
- Screams when we put her in her carseat, but will usually fall asleep not long after the car gets moving!
- Fights sleep in the car and sometimes when she goes down for a nap.
- Started taking 3 hour naps thanks to our favorite Mrs. Susan.
- Her signals are so much clearer: rubbing her eyes when she is sleepy, getting a little fussy when she is hungary. Before it just seemed like she was upset all the time and we had no clue what she wanted.
- Eating organic rice cereal and LOVING it! Although it has not helped her sleep any longer than she normally does.
- Found her feet and loves grabbing them!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Christmas Sweetie
We had a little extra time before we left the house this morning to get all dressed up. We even posed for a picture.

I am having so much fun dressing Emersyn up for Christmas. She has some super cute outfits. I'll have to take her picture in all her outfits and post them here. We are excited for her first Christmas! She is such a blessing to our lives and we are having so much fun with her. Every day is a new adventure and she is learning or doing something new every day. Quite frankly Im shocked she has not gotten right up and walked across the room yet. She seems so advanced and so ready to take on the world and seems to get frustrated when we remind her she is still a little baby.
Monday, December 13, 2010
The Church Nursery
Yesterday was Emersyn's first and possibly last experience in the church nursery for a while. For the past 16 weeks she has been a "desk" baby. I was asked to take a shift in the Ladybug room which would be Emersyn's room. So I dropped her off in the nursery during first hour and then came and did my shift during the second hour. I was very surprised at my reaction. There were 6 babies, one being Emersyn. A 4 wk old little boy was coughing up a storm and sounded so congested. You could not help but feel sorry for him. Then there was another little boy who was chewing and drooling ALL over all the toys and the walker toy he was sitting in. Walking in the room I just felt like germs were jumping all over me. One of the front desk people came by to check on us and I talked her into taking Emersyn back up front. Part of me was worried about picking up the other babies and passing something on to Emersyn. I know that God wants us to love on all His children and I never really viewed the baby room as a live culture petri dish until I had Emersyn. So I think she will start attending Sunday school with me and the service as well. I was spoiled for the first 16 weeks, but now I don't want people thinking Emersyn is privlidged just because her daddy is on staff. I also worry that at 3 1/2 months old she is still a little to you to be "exposed." I know this is probably first time mom over reaction, but I am interested in other mom's opinions. I just have this stigma that if she gets something and I don't know where it came from if she gets sick that is better than if I know she got it from the nursery and I put her there. Anyway, I think I may call the doctor and get their opinion as well. I just hope our sweet little girl is not a sickly baby. I don't get sick often and never really did as a child either. Jonathan on the other hand tends to get sick more often than I do. I would not call him sickly, but for me getting sick more than once a year is too much. I have not been sick since last November when I got pregnant with Emersyn.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Im so angry at blogger I could scream
I accidentally changed my template. any one know how to change it back?
Picture post
Me and my daddy!
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