Wednesday, July 21, 2010

No lie about sleepless nights

That was sums my night up in a nut shell. I literally did not sleep a wink at all. I was up all night. Mostly sitting straight up due to this strange pain in my back. About 8pm last night I got a sharp pain in my back on my right side just about where my kidney would be. I explained to Jonathan it felt like I had been punched in the kidney and the pain was wrapping from my back around to the front of my abdomen and more intense when I would contract. I would also equate the pain to what I would assume back labor would feel like. Especially since when I would get my periods I would have most pain in my back. I got up walked around a little, but the pain did not ease much. So we headed home from the church and I got in bed pretty quickly and spent all of about 20 min. there before it could not tolerate lying down any longer and wanted to google what this pain was. It does not feel like muscle pain, but could pass for a nerve issue. That being said the symptoms most resemble a kidney thing they can do much about. So with the discomfort being so miserable with me lying down I laid propped on the couch which I could only with stand in 20 min increments as well until I had to get up and walk around again. I put a call in to the doctor on call (not one of my favorites and she certainly did not seem to have much concern or tenderness for my pain) and she said the only way to find out if it is a kidney stone is to go to the emergency room. The pain did not have me in tears but I literally could not sleep. I can't go the next 4 weeks without sleeping so I decided to try some tylenol. The tylenol is definitely working (it is the first pain reliever I have taken during this pregnancy and honestly felt a bit guilty) but if I was in horrible pain the next four weeks that would stink too. I guess this is one more thing to add to my list of things I thought I was exempt from...pain that is not serious enough to go to the hospital for but miserable enough to drive you insane.

PS if any one has any ideas (since the doc on call really was not all that concerned) or has felt this sort of pain before, let me know. My book did not describe anything like this.

1 comment:

  1. Please feel free to email me--- Been there, done that. I had kidney stones before I had either one of my kiddos- never when pregnant, but I know the feeling you're describing and can only imagine that coupled with the contractions, too.

    Plenty. Of. Cranberry. Juice. (Check with your OB first if it makes you feel better, but that's the best thing to help flush your kidneys out.) There shouldn't be a thing wrong with it, but if it makes you feel better to check before you consume a bunch, do what you think is best for you.

    Girl, hang in there- the last 4 weeks by far are the toughest but you'll be amazed at how you will totally forget all the discomfort once you hold that precious baby for the first time. It'll make you wonder why in the world you ever thought about it at all. :)

    Praying with you! Can't wait to meet her (well, and you, in person, for that matter). :)

    Love from LaGrange,
    Mary Beth
